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The Open Call for Projects is now closed!

Please review the information on this webpage for information on how to submit your project idea to the Herkimer DRI Local Planning Committee (LPC).

* Please Note *

Some information on the Open Call submission form has been finalized by the Local Planning Committee. Please check the Open Call form for updated project requirements.

Open Call Webinar

For those that were unable to make the webinar, please watch the recording below.











Open Call for DRI Project Proposals


​General Information

The Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) aims to fund projects that will support healthy, vibrant, walkable downtowns that catalyze sustainable economic development and bring numerous economic, social, and environmental benefits. As part of the DRI planning process, the Herkimer Local Planning Committee (LPC) will evaluate potential projects submitted through this Open Call for Projects with input from the public. The LPC will then recommend a selection of these projects to include in the Herkimer DRI Strategic Investment Plan. In total, the recommended slate of projects will exceed the DRI funding available for implementation. The state will review the projects in the Plan and make the final selection of which projects will receive DRI funding.


The LPC is encouraged to choose private, public, and not-for-profit projects that will: 

  • Have a transformative impact on the downtown;

  • Catalyze additional private and/or public investment and socio-economic benefits;

  • Provide broad public benefit including co-benefits beyond the project's primary purpose;

  • Be ready for implementation in the near term (within 2-3 years);

  • Most effectively advance the community's vision and goals;

  • Align with the DRI program goals and eligibility requirements; and

  • Represent an effective and efficient use of public resources.


If you have an idea for a smaller project that does not meet the requirements in terms of project size and scale, please download and fill out a Small Project Fund Interest Form, which can be found below.


Small Project Fund Interest Form​


Open Call for Projects


The Herkimer Local Planning Committee (LPC) invites the submission of transformative DRI project proposals to an open call for projects. Successful submissions will be included in the Strategic Investment Plan and recommended for funding to the State. Please note that submission of projects through this call and the Strategic Investment Plan does not guarantee funding: the final selection of projects and funding amounts will be made by the State.


Submission Period: May 6 - June 17, 2024


Submission Instructions:


To be considered, project proposals must be submitted electronically by close of business (5:00pm) on Monday June 17th. Projects must adhere to the requirements outlined in the submission form below. 




DEADLINE:  Monday June 17, 2024, 5:00pm 


QUESTIONS?  Submit questions regarding this call for proposals in writing to herkimerdri[at]   

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